Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day Babe

It cracks me up that I call Robert babe, then Travis does it quite often.  Makes me laugh.  Anyways we didn't do much special for Robert today, but we did get to hang out as a family and I think that's good enough sometimes.  We went and hung out at Auntie Leah's house with her fam and my dad got to hang out too.  It was nice company and good food as always.  I am so lucky to have such a great husband that is so involved in his kids lives.  He spends just as much time with them as I do and I love it.  He is the best player, rough houser with Travis and just adores Abby.  We are so lucky to have him in our lives.


-is a caretaker of the offspring in their own species

So I think alot about parenting for many reasons.  Well besides the obvious, I am a parent, but also because of my own parents.  My mom came over this weekend to hang with Abby and I while my dad took Travis to see Toy Story 3.  I have the best parents in the world.  They love my children as much as they love me.  They have raised me to be a hardworking, caring, and mindful person.  I hope that some day people will look at my children and say "Wow those kids have been loved and they are good people."  So far I think we are headed on the right track cause man I have some pretty good kids.  And that brings me to 


-in traditional cultures, grandparents often had a direct and clear role in relation to the care and nurture of children.

Ok so that's not the definition but it seemed stupid fairly obvious and not really what I was looking for.  So anyways as we celebrate Father's Day today I have the best.

I'll add pics of trav man as soon as I can find what I have done with them.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Berries Part 1

So we decided to go to the peach orchard out in Terrell to pick berries.  Wow was it smoldering hot outside that day.  Trav and I had never picked well anything, so an adventure it was.  Here are the pics from the day.  Never mind we picked only one bucket with our friends when we paid for two, because all we really wanted was the fresh-yummy-melt in your mouth-did I say fresh peach ice cream. (Ok maybe that's all I wanted and well we were all melting).